Giving to God's Work
Mount Calvary now has an online giving option! We have partnered with the PCA Foundation to receive electronic gifts, and are thankful for their efficiency in processing contributions. We have set up a single charity fund at PCAF, from which the donations received are weekly distributed to the church. (All donations given to the PCAF fund, except for processing fees, come to the church.) For gifts given online, the end of year tax statements will come from the PCA Foundation.
Please note that there is a percentage of each donation charged to the church for processing credit/debit cards, so the deacons would encourage card givers to consider adding that 2.3% to their donation.
Click below to go to the payment processor's website and give to Mount Calvary's designated fund at the PCA Foundation.
**Please note**: Online giving can be used for tax deductible gifts only. Payments for camp, Wednesday night supper, or anything else provided by the church must be given in cash or check.